Pastor James Lindstrand, his wife Misty and their children became part of the Cottonwood Creek Community Church family in June 2014. Their hearts’ desires are to seek after the Lord, to build community centered on Christ and to reach the lost for the glory of Jesus. Their passion is to see families growing together in their relationship with Jesus, impacting the greater community with the Good News.
The Lindstrands are originally from Marysville, Washington where both James and Misty were born and raised. Since being married in May of 1999, the Lord has continued to bless them by growing their family, for which they are extremely grateful. They have spent many years serving in different ministries in various capacities from youth to young adult to small groups – always serving where the Lord led. They are excited about the days ahead and to see what the Lord is going to do.
James has spent the majority of his adult life in the U.S. Army (active and reserve) serving in the Chaplain Corps. He officially retired in October 2019 with just under 22 years of service. He is a graduate of Nazarene Bible College (B.A. Bible and Theology) and Liberty University (Master of Divinity).